
Friday, December 3, 2021

My Minecraft house

                  All Tawhitimatea year 4,s have been making there own Town House and this is mine hope you                    like it.

Thursday, December 2, 2021

Debra the Zebra🦓

 As they dashed off into the misty forest running for there soul, a giant thick lion was chasing them all midnight! The lion started to take a rest with a cheeky grin to set up a trap, when it hit daytime the lion had returned to his cosy cave and he called his family. His family heard his mighty roar and came to his sound waves. At the clan of horses there was one zebra don't ask why cause i don't know. The zebras name was Debra, Debra the Zebra. she was very nice to every one in the clan and the clan had a village called PORSCHE name after a car. on the other side of the misty forest the lions had set up there booby trap finally. well the horses pranced down the pathway looking for some resources the lion had been waiting for them and jumped out of the raspberry bush ROOOOOOAAAARRRRRR!!!!! All the horses ran in fear for hours and hours until the lions caught up to them. To be continued.

Monday, November 8, 2021

French! Monday Mashup.

Bonjour! TODAY i learnt the colors of fench for Monday Mashup, and there all real cool names i think so here they are the colors of fench.


so blue is bleu, white is blanc, red is rouge, black is noir, lellow is jaune, green is vert, pink is rose, brown is marron, orange is orange😎, grey is gris and purple is violet. Last week our group did SNAP! In fench its called CASSER! So all the card had images or words so if an image was the same as the word You have to say CASSER! So yea. and 2 weeks before I was learning about the words this time, and i learnt LOTS OF THEM like Bon nuit, Merci, AND MORE! I just cant be bothered to say them all. 

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Tides of the Words!

 Title: Tides Of The Moon.

By Pax Hall.

Tides of the moon slide I love making my slide with my buddy because i learnt that the sun had gravity cause i didn't know that before, So i really liked working with Max and id be happy to work with him again but one thing was that we didn't agree on some stuff that we want to put on the slide but it was still fun working with Max.

My Questions

* What are tides?

* How does the moon affect the tides?

I learnt 

 * Moon’s gravity pulls the oceans and us towards it.

* Moon is far away, it is large enough that its force of gravity is strong enough to do make tides.

* Without tide fishy's will die.

My Extra  Questions were...

*  How old is the Sun?

*  Does the Sun have gravity?

*  If we had no Sun would all fish die?

I learnt:

*  Jellyfish wouldn't die if we had no Moon but they would if there was no sun.

*  The Sun has gravity.

*  There are 2 Tides a Day, sometimes there are 4 tides a day.

My Kahoot Questions and Answers

Friday, October 1, 2021

Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Monday, September 20, 2021


 Today for Minecraft we were going on scratch! Cause Minecraft wasn't working so i thought it was HEROBRINE!!! So i made a character of him. After we made our character, we all got to animate them! I animated mine by making him appear and DISAPPEAR😎☺👻👽??? So i hope u enjoyed my blog post, See You Next TIME✌.

Friday, September 17, 2021

Chocy Earth

Today for inquiry we made a CHOCY EARTH which represents the layers and it looks like this. and it was really cool! so first we got a marshmallow and an m&m and we put the m&m inside the marshmallow, then Urmi chocy coated it and we went outside for it to Dry, after that was done, they told us the layers the crust was the chocy, the mantle was the marshmallow, the m&m crust was the Outer Core, and the Inner Core is the chocy in the middle of the m&m.

Thursday, September 16, 2021

Eggs VS Earth

The battle of 🥚🥚🥚 AND 🌏! 2021. an egg is the same shape of the Earth, has 4 layers and has the same thickest of the layers. today im going to tell you about what different and the same of an 🥚 and the 🌏. the earth and an eggs layers is both the same, for the egg he has 4 layers, the shell, (as the crust) the white fatty bit, (as the mantle) the green bit, (as the outer CORE) and finally the yolk, (as the CORE) an egg is also impossible to break with your hands. 

Fly me to the moon 2 going to uranus


Tuesday, September 14, 2021

Monday, September 13, 2021

Thursday, September 2, 2021


 Explanation Report  Term 3, 2021



Big Idea: to create an explanation report based on information gathered on your Matariki slide and personal experiences.

Learn:       I can       I am learning to 

  • Use my notes to write my own Matariki report.

  • Include details to support my main ideas..

  • Proofread my work - spelling, punctuation and paragraphing.

  • Check my writing makes sense and flows.


Matariki is the Maori New Year and in English Matariki means tiny eyes or eyes of God.

 Matariki day changes every year but it's usually celebrated around mid may or mid june. You also have to see matariki stars. 

 Matariki is celebrated for remembering our ancestors, telling stories, sharing food, and singing songs. Lots of people celebrated it by Watching the Fireworks in New Brighton, and eating marshmallows .

Next year I'm gonna do both and bake matariki cookies, and they're gonna be made out of crumbles of other cookies on top, and white frosting like cookies and cream. 

 What is the Matariki Myth, story? There were once 9 sisters who got covered in white paint and then a god came out of the sky and said YOU ARE THE CHOSEN ONE and Sent them into the sky! And that the Myth of Matariki.


Wednesday, August 11, 2021


 today are maths was a bit different because are maths group did something about temperature😺. and there were 5 cups with different stuff in it and the stuff was salt, sugar, hot water, , and fridge. and the challenge was that there was some ice cubes and we had to vote which one would melt the ice first and hot water Won!☺☺☺☺ and that was it for the day hope u enjoyed bye!    

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


Not long ago at all we were learning about liters and kilograms. and what i lernt is that 1000g are the same as 1000ml! 1000g are 1Kg and 1000ml is 1L. AND THAT MATHS BOISSS!

Friday, July 9, 2021

my reflection term 2


I am proud of completing my tasks at inquiry because I found more research about earthquakes that i didn't know about before. Writing workshop cause I made a series of blog posts called ye old railway, and Literacy. 

My challenges this term were my kupe play that i couldn't finish sadly😢, my tasks and the writing workshop too. 

I have learnt to write better and to use commas and full stops and also learn facts about V-huts.

I like working with a buddy because sometimes I don't know what i am doing, but if I have a buddy they help me.

My highlights this term were Ukulele, PMP and choir. 

Next term I would like to listen to my teachers more. 



Working together:


Next term i would like to 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

schooooool lunches

                                                  THE SCHOOL LUNCHES
i don,t usually eat the school lunches but the only things that i do eat is nachos and croissants, so i don,t really like the school lunches but i don,t take like one bite and throw it in the scrap bin, but i don,t really like the school lunches.


Wednesday, July 7, 2021

my work of art 3

                                       my work of art 3

Thursday, July 1, 2021

the MakeyMakey


this is a makeymakey for the makeymakey we made a controller the giant face in the middle, and for the makeymakey u need a green cord, yellow, red, grey, and there is also a white cord that connects to earth.

and when we connected it we play pacman, on it and it went well i got pass the first level, but it was hard so to play it u have to touch the playdoh in the direction that u programmed, and u hold the other end of earth so it will work. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

my work of art 2

                                               my work of art 2

Thursday, June 24, 2021

ye old railway 6

 hello and welcome to YE OLD RAILWAY 6 so.., owww said tadpole bee, i think i got a mild concussion, wait i hear something said spicy bee, stomp stomp Stomp, oh no WERE DEAD said fuzzy bee, STomp STOmp  STOMp STOMP, and they poped out of the corner, who are u said festive bee, oh said windy bee, what are you're names said photon bee, this is windy bee, tadpole bee spicy bee, and i am fuzzy bee, ok good to know come with us if u dont want to get eated by a mummy said photon bee, A WHAT! yelled  tadpole bee, a mummy said photon bee, okletsgothen said tadpole bee, so they went, 4 minutes later, huff puff huff can we take a rest now said tad and vec, Wait! said pho and fes, booby traps, ok everyone follow my lead, it says here on these patterns u go triangle, square, tomb, said photon bee, do do do, and then all the others went, do do do, whooho we made it said all, and there was the exit, but as they were walking out fdfsgdhjfxhgfdsfdgfghghdsfdsfgdfhj, WHATTTTT JUST HAPPENED said fes and fuz, wait where are the others said fuzzy bee, to be continued.                                                                                                                                                       

Monday, June 21, 2021

ye old railway 5


hello welcome to the 5th blog series of ye old railway anyways, hello welcome to heaven said windy bee oh said all, why are we here now said tadpole bee, i have no idea said spicy bee, THIS IS CRAZY yelled fuzzy bee FIRST I WAS ON TRAIN, AND THEN THERE WAS THIS OLD DUDE, AND THEN A WATER BEE CAME, AND THEN I WENT TO HELL, AND NOW IM IN HEAVEN! relax said windy bee, since you died i will show you around this place, so here is the bathroom, oH sweet said tad and fuz, glug glug glug, and you are drinking from the toilet said windy bee, EWWWWW said fuzzy bee, glug glug glug whY aRe U sTiLL driNKiNg said fuzzy bee, im from the swamp dont u get that said tadpole bee, oh yea said fuzzy bee, now moving on said windy bee, here are all the people, ooooo a tour said vector bee, vector? said fuzzy bee, u know this guy said spic and tad, yep said fuzzy bee, can i come along said vector bee, sure said windy bee, and the final course just a boring old playroom said windy bee, so can we leave now? said all, NO said windy bee, dont u get tired of this? said fuzzy bee, .....yea YEA aright LETS GO TO THE GLIDERS yelled windy bee, is this safe? said vec and tad, nope but were going in anyways, said windy bee, go in 1 go in 2 go in 3!, ahhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH! they YELLED, oof oww gah said all, where are we said tadpole bee, i think the great pyramid of Giza said spicy bee, to be continued.

Friday, June 18, 2021

ye old railway 4


hello again welcome to part 4 of ye old railway, so to the story, fuzzy bee was at hell, OMG IM IN HELL yelled fuzzy bee, HOW DO I GET OUT! relax said spicy bee you have died, and u cant get out YES CAN LOOK yelled fuzzy bee BUMP, OWW told u said spicy bee hey said tadpole bee, what how did u get here said fuzzy bee same way as u did, and plus it reeks in there, see look said spicy bee you are supposed to be here, that says heaven said fuzzy bee no it says hell, look at it said fuzzy bee oHnO, yelled spicy bee what said fuzzy bee, IF THE DEVIL FINDS OUT YOU'RE-,said spicy bee what said fuzzy bee DEAD, said spicy bee what all that racket said the devil we gotta hide you, oh hi said tadpole bee, who are you said the devil, umm a demon said tadpole bee, what that noise said the devil umm me burping,said tadpole bee okkk, said the devil woo said tadpole bee, and spicy bee and fuzzy bee crept out of the cliff on the ground and put on a discuses, heres the exit said spicy bee, do you mind if i tag along with u, no not at all said them both,thanks said spicy bee when they got out well, hello welcome to heaven said windy bee, oh said all. to be continued.

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

Egypt survival

 one time there was this photon bee he had the same story has fuzzy bee but he was doing a different trip, he was going to Egypt with his friend festive bee, so they went on the plane, but there was some disasters, first they ran out of food, and then all the pets broke out of there cages! like puppy bee, tabby bee, and more! oh no! said photon bee there gonna crash the plane! said festive bee. as it started to crash they just made it there and smashed right into the great pyramid of Giza, photon bee and festive bee survived but where Blocked! where are we said photon bee and festive bee. to be continued.

Monday, June 14, 2021

my work of art


my work of art

how to make bread and butter

 all you need to make butter get cream put it in a jar and shake it up for a long time and it should be ready and to make bread u need self raising flour pinch of salt 80Gs 185ml of water and bake it

ye old railway 3

 please read the other blog post before this one, so to the story, the tracks started to break and there was a pond that the train was going to crash in, a well known pond called the swamp of 1000 dead bodys i wonder why they call it that. and the train got to an end and sunk to the very bottom, every one got out just as it was falling and when they got in the pond they all turned in to dust, but out of nowhere this tadpole bee blowed up a bubble to help fuzzy bee, hi there said tadpole bee hi, said fuzzy bee now the pond is called the swamp of 1100 dead bodys, i know how to get out of here if u want said tadpole bee ok said fuzzy bee, so they went and they got to the hadal zone, here we are Thats A VOLCANO, well its the only way out said tadpole bee ok, so he went in welcome to hell fuzzy bee to be continued.

Friday, June 11, 2021

ye old railway 2

 if u have,t saw the the last part one then please do for the story to make sense as we know fuzzy bee was on the train and the tracks started to break until the train was at its next stop then there was this vector bee outside and he said u should hop off before something happens but i spent 10 dollars on this trip said fuzzy bee well if you want to stay on u can but u have been warned said vector bee but fuzzy ignored his warning and the train started to move again but now it was,t the track behind that were breaking it was in front to be continued. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

Ferrymead Trip

 Not long ago each two kawihinas went at different times and at Ferrymead we had to wear these old clothes.

And when we walk pass someone we say something like good morning miss or good morning Mr. And I did not like that. We did some actives the first one was stuffing the trunk and u had to pick up the stuff that you were and were not allow to take if it was wrong then u put it back but if it was right then u put it in the blue suitcase. 

Tuesday, June 8, 2021

ye old railway

Spongy lime green mos covers the creaky train tracks. Misty grey fog fades the setting and lush green trees blocks the railway. The flying fuzzy insects swarm around the gloomy swamp. Old oak wood planks making funny sounds. 

One time there was this fuzzy bee that was very bored so he went for a walk and then he saw a poster stuck to a lamppost to this old train station so he brought these tickets to an old train place and it was very unstable but he spent 10 dollars so he went in the train and the tracks weren't made out of metal but then the tracks started to break to be continued.  


Monday, May 24, 2021


 today we were playing dogeball and there were two teams  and i was in a team with my friend domink and it was really close wen it ended the score was 3 to 2 and are team won and then we played death match and i got not to much people but no one could get me and i also now have my own little garden in THE BIG GARDEN so..........yea the end.

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


 Te papa is a place in NZ and you can find it on 55 cable st in wellington 6011. 

Te papa is a big museum that has lot of stuff in it including ROCKS.

 my favorite exhibit was the lip couch that i saw because it looked so real heres a photo this is the end bye.

Monday, May 17, 2021

Monday mashup 3

 today with Nigel are Monday mashup teacher we were doing two things today so the first thing we did was doge ball and i got lots of the good people down but then i got down and then we were doing gardening and i did it by myself and i made 5 plants and that was the end of Monday mashup hope u injoyed bye the end!!!!


come on down to good old Aussie where there are so much to do there you can go see the strawberry milk lake thats somewhere and theirs also 25 million more kangaroos then humans! and there is also killer ostriches that have knifes but over all its a pretty good place with lots of cool stuff so yea come on down for aloney 5 dollars good bye

Tuesday, May 11, 2021


 one time there was a monster Apocalypse and the monsters pretty much the whole world neely got destroyed but first for the story to make sense i have to tell u a diffident story me and my friends harry and deacon were have a sleepover and we were watching the new movie on Netflix called the Michels vs the machines and then i heard thudding outside hey i said to my friends do u guys here that no they replied then it started to get louder and louder now i hear it they said then we started to hear crashing noises coming closer and closer.

then we went under the blanket then the monster crashed the house into a pile of rubble but not all of it we were still alive the monster searched the house but could not find any people after the monster left we fell

warm which was weird so we hid behind a small pile of pink batts that was all fluffed up and we could see 

the sky was red and there were portals everywhere oh god i whispered oh shoot said harry were dead were not dead i said cause i do have a basement that loaded with food YOU DO! said harry and deacon WELL LETS GO IN later... wow u sure keep ur basement clean said deacon yep i said but wait till u see the fridge 

later...oh my god 2 hours of fun later hahahahahahaha CRASH what was that said harry well the only thing it can be MONSTERS i yelled so we hind behind a box of supplies the monsters walk down the stairs it was THE KING hey deacon i said yea he replied do you still have that bottle of ginger bear yes can i use it sure oh and can you do like something weird to make the monster kill you NO said deacon trust me on this said me .......fine groaned deacon ok on the of 3 1 2 3 GO deacon did the silly thing then the monster chased deacon DEACON i yelled HIDE BEHIND THE BOX OK he said i broke the ginger bear bottle on another box and the monster Nelly killed deacon anddd i stabbed the monster i that BIG heart of his WOH look at the sky it turn back to normal and there were no portals well that was big day said harry lets go back to watching that movie i said ok the end.


going to Atlantis


Title: Going to Atlantis

Written by: PAX

I really want to go to atlantis because i want to see the lost cities

Treasurer that's left down there but if i go on a plane there not going to drop me off in the middle of the ocean so i have to go on 

A jetski to get there but just in case i'm going in the middle of the 

Ocean i will need a life jacket and sunscreen 2 hours later. I have made it now I have to get my... SCUBA GEAR 4 hours later finally

I have made it back now i go down well i was down there i saw really cool sea creatures that i have never seen before i made it

But there were guards still there….. But they were dead so i went passed them and i searched the whole place and i found it but there was a giant crab guarding the museum but it wasn't that hard to get passed him i just went on my arms and legs and crawled my way there and i said crab crab crab and he let me in

And then I took the treasurer and went back to my home the end.

Monday, May 10, 2021


 one day started out like any other but when i look in the mirror i became my DAD!!! ahh i said i dont want to have a beard at my age. and also when my dad woke up he looked in the mirror and he became ME!!!!!!!!! ahh said my dad why am i you i dont know said me this must be a curse heh how about we just do are day normal ok said me and as the hours past bye i woke up it was all a dream.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Monday, May 3, 2021

Newspaper Report

 in the holidays i had lots of fun but there was one part that was horrible because i was doing a bike ride and there was this really steep hill and i went down it and then the bike crashed and Thoth that i broke my leg or something but i just got big Bruse. and the best part of my holiday was nearly everything except the bike ride. the thing that i would really want to change is me getting on the bike ride because that was horrible the end.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

the Easter holiday

 in the Easter holiday i was so excited to wake up on Easter and when i did i got like 40 Easter eggs and most of them were big 😱 and i got to eat all the chocolate i wanted he he the end.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Monday Mashup Scratch

 today with my friend Archie we were playing scratch and we were playing getting over it and it was so hard it was maybe imposable  but then Archie friend finished it like a 2 mintus  later so it was,t impossble and then in the other room they were playing kahoot and i saw the code so i dissed to join in and it was a sonic quiz and i knew everything about sonic and i got 8 out of 10 and i still got first but then we had to get off saddly and that was the end.

Monday, February 15, 2021